Lauxes Grates products are certified under the WaterMark Scheme.

The Australian Business Codes Board released a final and updated version of the WMTS-040-2021 Waste pipe outlets & gratings. Waste pipe connection outlets and gratings, separate or integral.’ This new specification now includes aluminium in the materials list of the code. Aluminium has always been a superior metal and its place in the code is more than suitable. Lauxes Grates products remain WM-022370 Certificate of Conformity, compliant with all specifications. We are committed to safe, affordable grating products and excellent customer service.

When in doubt, always check the Australian Business Codes Board official website to make sure you only use certified products in your projects.

The fall of the tiled area should fall towards the drain, the flow of the water will continue to push the water down the waste. As the water is turned off there’s a syphon like effect of the water pulling itself down the waste, leaving a maximum of 0.5mm of water in bottom of the tray, which is far less than what gets spilt on the  floor when hopping out of the shower.

We put together a simple instructional guide covering most common installation scenarios. Find the PDF installation guide here.

No, the grate has a lifetime rustproof guarantee.

When you buy our grates in full lengths you will notice some markings (like scratches) at each end. This is completely normal; they are just marks from the clamps necessary for the anodising process. These marks can take up to 100mm (usually much less) on each end of the grate and are ADDITIONAL to the product. To clarify:

When you buy a 5.6m grate you actually receive 5.8m of grate to account for markings.

When you buy a 3m grate you actually receive 3.2m of grate to account for markings.

Absolutely, this is where aluminium is in its element (do you see any tinnies in the ocean rusting?) and due to our triple bath anodising process our grate is protected from any corrosion and will last a lifetime provided it is cleaned and maintained regularly.

We recommend using a compound mitre saw fitted with a multi-material cutting blade 80 tooth or more. We also recommend using a Lauxes TCT hole saw to drill the hole for the waste outlet.

When you order a full length (both 3m and 5.6m) you will actually receive an extra 200mm of grate. This additional is to account for the clamp markings that are part of the anodising process (see “WHY IS MY GRATE MARKED AT THE ENDS?” above for further explanation).

The NXT Generation range is the newest of the two, and has many more features and benefits. The obvious difference is the two slots running up both sides, these aren’t just for looks, they also stop what we call water tracking, and allows you to remove the grate using a rolling motion without any tools.

Due to the size of the package, the safest and most efficient way is via road freight. These trucks can accommodate the lengths easily and ensure your delivery is received in pristine order. Whilst we can provide you with rough estimates of delivery times, we are unable to ensure exact time frames around your delivery. To alleviate this issue and potentially loss of sales, we advise on holding stock and replenishing it when sold.

On average, a Lauxes Grate can handle 10.2 tonnes of pressure.

Yes. Using linear drains removes the ‘step over the curb’ in a traditional shower, creating a “barrier free” entrance to your shower. This provides an easy transition point from the dry area to the wet area. For this we recommend our NeXT Generation range or our Tile Insert grates.

Outlets come in slightly different depths. Although this shouldn’t affect installation, the measurements are as follows:

  • 40mm outlet is 34mm depth
  • 50mm outlet is 34mm depth
  • 72mm outlet is 33mm depth
  • 80mm outlet is 33mm depth

The answer will depend on the size of the plumbing, the waste outlets you are using (we recommend 80mm), whether the application is indoor or outdoor and the location of the installation (outdoor weather exposure, heavy rain).

If in doubt, contact your local plumber for an accurate recommendation based on your state/territory laws and application type.

All our grates are manufactured in 5.8m and sold in 5.6m. We supply 90° and 180°  corners/joiners to easily be extended to any length required.

We recommend the use of a neutral cure silicone.

Yes, very easy. We found that many of our customers favour the low-profile grates, such as the NXT14, as it requires no bedding and the fall can be made easily with glue.

All Lauxes Grates meet heel safe requirements as all openings are less than 8mm.

No, the length and the waste outlet position of all Lauxes Grates can be fully customised on site, negating the need for a Representative to conduct a site visit. Our customisable grates allow for quick lead times and last minute changes to building plan saving you time and money.

Whilst the waterflow rate of a Lauxes Grate is largely determined by the existing plumbing it is paired with please see table below for the flow rate of our various sized waste outlets.

DN40- 18 LPM
DN50- 24 LPM
DN72- 43 LPM
DN80 – 68 LPM